This company is able to provide the security of vessels against the piracy by dispatching guards of 4, 5 or 6 experienced personnel onboard of vessels transiting in the following routes:
- Persian Gulf to Aden gulf, Horn of Africa, Babalmndb and the entrance area of Red Sea.
- From Persian Gulf to western beaches of Indian Peninsula, to Malacca strait and other high seas of the world.
Other capabilities of this company are the following:
- 1) It has one hundred teams of 4, 5 or 6 people who are well thought and totally experienced according to the standards of IMO for providing security of vessels sailing on piracy prone areas.
- 2) The capacity of simultaneous presence on many sailing vessels in high seas.
- 3) Equipped with the most advanced anti-piracy equipment together with fast and effective defensive and communicating networks.
- 4) Having a well prepared sea station (anchored vessel) in the entrance of Red Sea (Babalmndb) in order to transfer protecting teams and their equipment.
- 5) Having proper coastal station in Bandar Abbas, Jask and Chabahar for transferring guard teams from shore to vessel and vice versa.
- 6) Preparing continuous and up to date trainings in order to maintain the readiness of guards’ personnel (PCASP) by using advanced methods which are accepted by international standards.
- 7) In case, supporting the epic battle groups of Islamic Republic of Iran which are presenting northern area of Indian Ocean and Aden gulf.
- 8) Assigning proper light vessels in Bandar Abbas, Jask, and Chabahar for transferring teams of anti-piracy guards onto commercial vessels, Tankers and other types of vessels which transit high risk areas.
- 9) Continuous presence of 20 (PCASP) alert protecting guard teams on the sea station in Red Sea which are ready to be moved at any moment on board of any applicant vessel .
- 10) In case, supporting and using of epic battle group helicopters of Islamic Republic Army Navy.