- Escorting and protecting more than 1100 vessels including tankers, commercials, fishing vessels and others in north Indian Ocean high risk areas.
- Dispatching protecting guards (PCASP) on more than 1700 vessels transiting on high seas in high risk areas.
- More than 150 cases of armed confrontation with pirates and defending vessels in North Indian Ocean and Aden gulf by using the ready and experienced protecting team’s personnel.
- Releasing the overtaken vessels and hostage taken personnel in several cases with the help and fast reaction of the guards and the support of epic battle group helicopters.
- Preparing and couching more than one hundred protective teams made of experienced personnel by advanced equipment and arms and effective simultaneous communicative networks to be present in the sea for protection of vessels against pirates.
- Having offices and coastal stations for transferring protecting guard teams (PCASP) in Bandar Abbas, Jask , and chabahar.
- Possessing proper sea stations in the North Indian Ocean for transferring team guards on applicant vessels in the sea.
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